Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Two by Two

It's day 2 of  my attempt at developing a blogging habit.  And it's raining here.  Torrentially.  Again.  My Personal Chef, who is also mighty handy with tools, may have to build us an ark.

I'm not complaining about the rain, mind you.  I actually love the stuff.  I know. I'm odd  like that.  I particularly love how when it rains this time of year here in the northeast, everything is colored in varigated shades of green greys.

My mood has been in varigated shades of green greys, too.   It's somber, perhaps, but not without hope.  It's very much like the ruggedly beautiful landscape of my beloved New England.


  1. I love rain. There, I said it. Doesn't irritate me, make me mad, or annoy me. I could listen (and think I have lately) all day long. Now that we have a metal roof on the deck just outside our bedroom, I love it even more.

  2. Ooh, one day, I want a metal roof. Lucky woman!
