Saturday, May 3, 2014

Learning to Dance

     My dear friend Laurel made an offhand remark about doing the cha-cha--one step forward, two steps back--and it really connected with me.  For the past two weeks, I have been moving forward and back through a series of little (and a couple not so little) dramas and joys.  It's had me exhausted and almost-but-not-quite overwhelmed.  Laurel turned that all on its head for me, though.  I'm just learning to dance!  I've always wanted to be able to dance.

     Yes, I know, EVERYONE can dance, but I'm not talking about that twirling-shuffling-bobbing thing that Deadheads do.

I want to know some traditional dance steps and execute them with at least a modicum of style and grace.

    For as long as I can remember, I have been a fan of musical theater.  There's just something about a lavish song-and-dance number that makes everything better, you know? Seriously, wouldn't it be great if  we could really dance, if you could tap your troubles away ?  And my love of all things Bollywood is something that makes my Personal Chef shake his head in amusement, but I cannot get enough of the over-the-top production numbers that move the splotchy plots along.

    So, maybe today, I'll be able to stop fretting about the ordinary challenges that just keep coming.  Maybe I'll just choreograph my way through them!

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